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Found 562 results for any of the keywords 1865 in. Time 0.010 seconds.
The Lincoln Grant MeetingMomentous events in American history occurred in late March and early April 1865 in and around Petersburg, Virginia. The defeat of Major General George E. Pickett’s Confederate force at the Battle of Five Forks on April
Joseph Lythgoe: Darrin and Andrea Lythgoe s Genealogy PagesJoseph Lythgoe: Darrin and Andrea Lythgoe s Genealogy Pages
No TitleThe following chart provides details of the military service of many members of the BARNUM Family, from the various pre-revolutionary campaigns through the Spanish-American War.
William Tecumseh Sherman - WikipediaGeneral Grant is a great general. I know him well. He stood by me when I was crazy, and I stood by him when he was drunk; and now, sir, we stand by each other always. 149
Historic Petersburg FoundationAn historical preservation foundation dedicated to the historical preservation and renovation of the historic homes and buildings of Petersburg VA.
Interesting Facts (Study English Today)Collection of interesting facts all around the world.
No TitleHindi Bible V1 1851 PDF Volume 1 of the Hindi Bible by the Presbyterian Mission Press in 1851 - Allahabad....
1861-1865 Civil War Battle Maps of Charleston SC + Fort Sumter1861-1865 Civil War Battle Maps of Charleston SC harbor! Maps show Fort Sumter, Fort Moultrie, Fort Johnson, waterways and other local batteries. See our Revolutionary War maps from Charleston SC too!
The Siege of Petersburg Online Beyond the CraterThe Siege of Petersburg Online is shares information on the neglected Siege of Petersburg aka The Petersburg-Richmond Campaign, fought during the American Civil War from 1864-1865. Famous battles include the Battle of Pe
Civil War Photos from Battle At Charleston - BattleAtCharleston.comCivil War photos from Battle At Charleston - a wealth of historical photos on American Civil War battles taking place in Charleston, South Carolina. See photos showing ruins of Charleston SC in 1865.
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